22nd September 2019 - Life n Grimes.

Morning everyone.

Looks like we just covered Vincent in time, as it was starting to rain outside

But also the weather has put a bit of a damper,

on doing other jobs outside.

So I changed the plans to go up into the attic and temp lay more boards out and move the existing boxes of Model Railway items backward,

Also to get the boxes of the bed in the spare room :) :)

I had taken my meds, so I went to lay down n rest whilst they kicked in,

Saying I would go into attic in about an hour :) :)

Unfortunately that didn't happen,

and by the time we realised we hadn't done it,

it was tea time

So we have moved the job to Monday night.

Got an MOT reminder email, about MOT is due early next month,

so another job joins my list in giving it a good clean out,

take it for its yearly wash,

and check it over to make as sure as I can be that every things working.