Life n Grimes - Menu Page 2014.

Morning everyone.
Welcome to the "Life n Grimes - Menu Page 2014".

One minute I was still in my peaceful zone,Morning everyone.

i have been in for last few days.

then all of a sudden everything hit me and dragged me deep in the shit........... Luckily I re-found message from Ruff Daddy to me (Will be added here soon!) and it made me chuckle out loud.Morning everyone.

Altho It didn't make things better, It gave me a glimmer of hope. Morning everyone. So I thought I might as well sit in front of my Computer and start to add 2014's Life n Grimes Updates.

At this stage, I am missing loads of updates for 2012 & all of 2013,2015, 2015.
I hope a some stage I can re-find them in the future!