Timothy's Tribute Build. 1st January 2018.

Hi me - Welcome to 2018......

Welcome to a new year and more progress on CBRTIM.

First day of a new year, and still CBRTIM is no where near completion, we are starting to loose faith in the build, but we have sunk too much money, effort and time into it to stop now. No plans on doing anything today, I just want some peace n quiet and sit down and commune with Timothy.!

Dunno why I have given the console several coats of primer n wet n dried between all coats, as when it goes to Prep it will be sand blasted.....

Have had a mega tidy up today :) :) whilst I have been sat next to Tim......

Considering all I wanted was to be alone with Tim, I seem to have been pottering around tidy up, quite well.

Fingers crossed I can keep this improvement of my all round health slowly improving!.....