16th September 2019 - Life n Grimes.

Morning everyone.

Another week starts,

Not that it matters to me as it is just another day.

The only difference for me is that I am alone and missing Lynne whilst she is at work.

But as she rightly says, bills have to be paid and we have to eat.

All being well we are hoping for a weekend away in the van this coming weekend,

which I am really looking forward to

Not only to get away from here, but to see some friends again

Huge thanks to Cods N Sods Re-Trawled Rally not only for the invite,

but making it possible for us to go

This week if all goes to plan (hopefully)

, a couple of small jobs that I have been doing,

will become regulars hopefully once or trice a week only for 30 mins to 1 hour,

or until it gets too much.

But will be a great leap forward, into sorting out the planning of my days

and hopefully all the work I have been doing at least as good as I last left it,

if not improved even more