12th April 2024 - Life n Grimes.

Evening everyone.

Still not sleeping very well, the Black Dog and the Mycena Gravis, Just will not let my mind settle down enough so I can get to sleep.

Again still not driving, as I seem to just nod off, at times thru the day
Sometimes for a few seconds, sometimes for longer periods.

Whilst waiting for the carer to turn up, I get on with adding more updates from the old website, to the new one, a laborious thankless task, but I need to get it done, so I can close the old webhost down as quick as possible.

My Carer arrives and we soon get down to the things she is here to help me with.....

They will be returned to the surgury, shortly.

Michael, has refilled the settee of boxes and bits from the kitchen again, but this is the last time.
Which will keep me busy at times thru the day!....

This Tray Box is now slightly over full......

This Tray Box is now slightly over full......

I am now in the kitchen, and I have decided to sell this drivers Transit mk6/7 seat as Spares or Repairs!!

But 1st I need to sort n clean the area around the chair, So that Michael can move the chair and I can take Pics, So that I can list it on my Facebook Market Place in next day or so......

The settee is now cleared and is ready for tidying up and hoovering!.Micky has crept into the pic as I took it.....

This lot is after I have sorted thru it all over the last few days and compacted it, As best as I could!....

We have put the transit drivers seat here, and just used it for my coats for naow!. As I am hoping for a quick sale!....

We have put the Walking tray unit back by the door, with the cats food stored on it and his water fountain underneath it!....

And finally we get to sort thru this lot!....

Not to bad a day progress wise, as usual spread this job out thru the day, and rested either in bed when my body started to screem at me or sat on my Computer and continued working on the new website.

I am dissapointed that the compacting did not make that much of an impression, that I hoped it would.