11th April 2024 - Life n Grimes.

Evening everyone.

Still not sleeping very well, the Black Dog and the Mycena Gravis, Just will not let my mind settle down enough so I can get to sleep.

So still not driving, as I seem to just nod off, at times thru the day
Sometimes for a few seconds, sometimes for longer periods.

Whilst waiting for the carer to turn up, I get on with adding more updates from the old website, to the new one, a laborious thankless task, but I need to get it done, so I can close the old webhost down as quick as possible.

I am still struggling with Life n Grimes updates, especially when Timothy is mentioned.

So for a little while, I am gonna make a start on "CBRTIM Tribute Bike Build", In "My Vehicles Albums"

Tracy from Adult Social Care, popped in this Morning.
She has come to do a review and to see where she can help me out.
My free Carers finish in 2 weeks time, And she will be coming back round to help me fill out the forms, to see if I can get a grant to cover the costs as I have no money coming in!.
She also took loads of notes about how I can be helped and my home life made easier, So fingers crossed there

Just as she was leaving Strawbs turned up, with a replacement chair for me.

So with Michaels help they dismantled my old broken chair and took it outside (ready to be taken down the garden for a bonfire).
And in comes a nice repaired Lazy Boy Chair, for me to use.

The Lazy Boy Chair is now in place.
I still have to hoover and tidy behind and to the side of the chair!..

Unfortuently Strawbs had to go, as he had loads of work to do at home.

This is a case of I helping Stawbs to get rid of a chair that is in his way! and Strawbs is helping me out with the chair, as I could not afford another chair!..

My Carer arrives and we soon get down to the things she is here to help me with.....

They will be returned to the surgury, shortly.

Last night Michael had moved some more items for the conversion from the kitchen, to the living room, For me to sort thru and compact thru out today!

Parcel Force arrived to take a heavy package that is now on its way to N.A.D.B. Head office!

Michael, has refilled the settee of boxes and bits from the kitchen, which will keep me busy at times thru the day!....

I will start here!....

And slowly I make some progress!....

Small items for the back of the transit, once space has been made for them, plus some tools, assorted screw etc!....

Mixture of small items for the Conversion and items that I will need, once space has been made for them!....

This is Timothys Box os stuff, that we could not part with!....

This Tray box is now slightly over full, it has a good mixture of items stored and when we have space in the transit, will go in there and be put away!

Some items will be used in the conversion!....

That is it for today, I have combined items into larger boxes where possible and thrown a lot of stuff away!....

The cat soon makes himself at home!....

Tomorrow Michael and me, will go into the kitchen and finish off clearing the space were all the boxes was stored, and once we are finished, Michael will move the boxes left back into the kitchen Till I am ready to move them into the transit.