10th April 2024 - Life n Grimes.

Evening everyone.

Still not sleeping very well, the Black Dog and the Mycena Gravis, Just will not let my mind settle down enough so I can get to sleep.

So still not driving, as I seem to just nod off, at times thru the day
Sometimes for a few seconds, sometimes for longer periods.

Whilst waiting for the carer to turn up, I get on with adding more updates from the old website, to the new one, a laborious thankless task, but I need to get it done, so I can close the old webhost down as quick as possible.

I am still struggling with Life n Grimes updates, especially when Timothy is mentioned.

So for a little while, I am gonna make a start on "CBRTIM Tribute Bike Build", In "My Vehicles Albums"
my Carer arrives and we soon get down to the things she is here to help me with.....

I cannot believe the difference these carers are making to me, It is so nice to have a strip wash every morning, My hair washed every other day!.

And there help with the large amount of medicenses I have to take, They have made it so simple for me all confusion there is gone!

Well almost, as if I am not sat in my chair when the alarm goes off, By the time I get there I cannot remember if I have taken them or not!!

Once again sorting thru these boxes is spread thru out the day, as I am only able to stand and bend for about 5-10 minutes at a time....

Not much to compact here, altho I did manage to store some flat items inside these boxes....

This end of the settee is now cleared!....

This pile is what the sort thru and throwing away rubbish has compacted down to!....

This tray box, has loads of small odds n sods in it, I will tidy it up Tomorrow!....

A steady day today, Not really much done, except at several times thru out the day I have been stood up and bending, which is a good thing I suppose.

I did a lot less updates to this website, as I had to lay down a few times to let my legs and my balence recover.

But if I can keep it up, without over doing it, hopefully I will be abe to get stronger and get more done.